Framed initial letters as special gifts

I had been researching the design of versal letters used in the Lombardy region of Italy for a different project when I needed a design for a family wedding present. The Lombardic letters have an interesting and distinctive shape that work very well as initials. I experimented with various ways of using watercolour paints to create the initial letter. The watercolour style adds a flowing watery element to the strong but also flowing lines of the Lombardic letter outlines.

Framed with their names and marriage date, the letters made an ideal wedding present, and was very well received. These would also work well for anniversaries such as silver, golden and ruby celebrations.

I have since created single letter versions for births, christenings, birthdays and anniversaries.

The painted letters and frames can be any colour, but I have found that mixtures based on complimentary colours work best. These painted letters (framed or unframed) are now available in my Folksy Shop.

For a Wedding
For a Wedding
Gift for a new baby
Gift for a new baby
For a Birthday
For a Birthday
Lombardic initial A in watercolour
Lombardic initial A in watercolour